The 4 pillars of our faithful

What is the evangelical meaning and spiritual significance underlying our activities?
Each of them must refer to one and/or other of the following pillars in order to make us true “disciples” of Christ and valiant “propagators” of the Good News of Salvation offered to all.

The Prayer Life

As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love.

John 15, 9

Through prayer, the faithful allow themselves to be joined by the strong, mysterious presence of God. They make this dialogue with Christ their own, under the guidance of the Spirit, just as the Virgin Mary knew how to meditate in her heart and “let herself be done” in the docility of continual, interior meditation. The daily life of prayer is an indispensable resource for every member of the faithful, enabling them to follow Christ in the best possible way, and to discern God’s “language” within themselves.

Fraternal Life

By your love for one another, you will be recognized as my disciples.

John 13:25

To be a disciple of Christ is to be attentive to one’s neighbor, to give him or her great importance, a quality of presence, the joy of self-giving to the point of self-forgetfulness. For each of us, the other is the presence of God, and our love for God is inseparable from the love we must show him. This love may require us to go to the very limits of forgiveness and reconciliation. All this generates authentic joy, and also presupposes that each member of the faithful follows Christ, in connection with the Church we form.

Study Life

Consecrate them in truth

John 17:17

Know and love God through the words of Jesus. To scrutinize God’s teachings in the Word, to understand them so as to live them better, and to pass them on in a true missionary spirit. This is the goal of every member of the faithful. To search ceaselessly for this Jesus of the Gospels, whose incarnation, ordinary life, preaching in Palestine, Passion and Resurrection never cease to reveal him to us. Everything leads to a personal encounter with God.

La Vie Apostolique

As the Father sent me, so I send you.

John 21, 20

Without being of the world, the baptized faithful are in the world like yeast in the dough, on mission in contact with young and old, families and the poorest, always inspired by Saint Rita, a woman of contemplation and apostolic action. They propose the Good News of Jesus and are a living, comforting presence that the world hopes for. Since everyone is different, their concrete mission offers diversity according to the different facets of the Gospel and each person’s own vocation. This polychromy of missionary service does not preclude a single desire: to love Christ and bear witness to him.

Soutenez votre sanctuaire

Votre soutien nous aide à poursuivre les différentes activités de ce lieu de sanctuaire.

Contribution à la Messe

Demandez au Sanctuaire de Sainte Rita une messe pour vos intentions, commémorant l’Eucharistie et la présence du Christ.

Allumer un cierge

Des cierges brûlent sans cesse , symbolisant nos prières et remerciements pour que nos vies deviennent lumière.

Intention de prière

Sainte Rita, Saine patronne des causes perdues, accueille vos intentions et remerciements, et que la charité fraternelle renforce notre prière.