Issuing ministry

The Church is aware of God’s action on behalf of the Living Man, the one who, through and in Christ, aspires to become once again the “Image and Likeness of God”, thanks to the conversion of the heart, while disfigured by the sin of origins. The coming of Christ goes in this direction, that of a Salvation that saves us from the impasse to open us up to hope and set us free.

Various motives can thwart or slow down this noble and holy aspiration to draw closer to God, to be God’s friend. Among them, the explicit choice of sin without repentance, or the manifestations of the enemy, the Divider, who, beyond the simple temptations present in our daily lives, attacks and torments the Christians (or non-Christians) that we are, even though we are all pilgrims in this life. This can be the result of a desire to live by creating loopholes in ourselves, such as serious sin unacknowledged in confession, or by indulging in occult practices, or even by suffering, in mysterious ways, the enmities of those who wish us harm through Evil. It’s the invocation of the enemy against us.

The Church then proposes a greater personal conversion through a simple process of renouncing evil, renewing one’s baptismal promises, living a Gospel-oriented life and trusting in the One who liberates and saves, Christ himself. The sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist, including Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, are indispensable, as is the elimination of all negative feelings towards anyone (hatred, desire for revenge, etc.). The heart must be free, while at the same time freeing itself from the hold of the enemy. Untie to deliver: the goal of the journey!


The enemy of man can act against us in five ways:

It seeks to tempt us through our senses, our imagination and our affections. Temptation is universal because of our sinful origins, but it is never beyond our strength, since grace always accompanies us. Constant vigilance and perseverance in doing good are the watchwords for victory in this spiritual battle;

It can INFEST us (places, houses, objects...);

It will try to EVIL us , i.e. attack us in our prayer, our health, our affections, our work, our resources and this, apart from the ordinary hazards of our daily lives;

At times, he will use OBSESSION to provoke endless temptations or unbearable thoughts, sometimes even blasphemous or obscene, that you just can't shake off.

Remedies 1-2-3-4:

Discernment is essential in order to make a serious diagnosis, avoiding interpretations that may be simplistic and, by the same token, erroneous.

If there is reasonable doubt or evidence, then prayers for deliverance are useful, necessary and even essential. They are addressed solely to Christ, Master of deliverance and inner healing, never to the Divider.

These ritual prayers, desired by the Church, are ALWAYS accompanied by a change of life, conversion, renunciation of evil and Evil [l’ennemi], confession and reception of the Eucharist, not forgetting almost exemplary charity towards all, including forgiveness to be given or received.

In very rare cases, the Divider may use POSSESSION.
Recognition of this is meticulously carried out by an exorcist appointed by the bishop of a diocese.
He can call on outside help (psychiatrists, prayer groups, fellow priests, etc.) to discern better and never be alone, while closely following the guidelines of the Church's ritual.
The exorcist priest exercises a special ministry of compassion, whose validity is recognized by all, because he is a man of faith, great prudence and integrity.
We accompany our customers with great discretion and charity.

It is the power of Christ that sets us free.

"Give thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light, who has delivered us from the power of darkness and transported us into the kingdom of the Son of his love."

Colossians 1:12-13

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Intention de prière

Sainte Rita, Saine patronne des causes perdues, accueille vos intentions et remerciements, et que la charité fraternelle renforce notre prière.