Back-to-school day for staff of the Bishopric of Nanterre

On September 19, all the staff of the various departments of the Nanterre “Maison diocésaine” met with Mgr Matthieu ROUGE and the Vicar General, Father Georges Vandenbeusch, to begin the year 2024-2025 together, to establish and share the objectives to be achieved, the challenges to be met, and the major events that will mark the coming months, including the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea.

The meeting was also intended to be a time of fraternal fellowship, as well as a shared time of prayer around the figure of Saint Rita, a model of perseverance in pastoral action. Mass was celebrated there, and a presentation of our sanctuary gave many an opportunity to learn about its existence, the beauty of the grounds and the practicality of the welcome.

Enthusiasm was the order of the day!

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