R.U.L. student chaplaincy
The oblates know that the Résidence Universitaire Lanteri has over 120 students and that they are likely to be sensitive to the spiritual dimension. The majority identify themselves as Catholics. The Oblates of the Virgin Mary are at the forefront in proposing meetings to deepen their faith and times of common prayer.
Wednesday evening mass,
1st gathering place for students interested in a Eucharistic liturgy and listening to the Word of God (30 min.).
Adoration time
In addition to the two daily scheduled masses – 7:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. – at the Chapelle Sainte-Rita, near the R.U.L., there is, from Monday to Friday, a time of adoration of Christ present in the Eucharist(6 – 7 p.m.).
Lauds and/or Compline prayer
Lauds: this is the morning prayer offered by students at the start of the day (4 mornings/week: duration 10 minutes).
Compline: this is the prayer at the end of the day, usually on Wednesday evening (duration: 10 minutes).
Healing weekend
It’s a question of interiorizing ourselves in silence and contemplating the All-Other, God, using the method of Lectio Divina (praying with the Word of God). We let the silence speak to us, while at the same time sometimes offering teachings to help us pray. Dates to be announced.
(location and dates to be determined).
Testimonial evenings or themed conferences
Allowing us to see God’s action in others, and to delve deeper into subjects that affect our society and the individual as a person.
in favor of the poor
We’ll be targeting a reality close to the R.U.L., including the Order of Malta’s marauding service.
A year for GOD
Inspired by Christianity, this group is committed to giving priority, during its studies, to a genuine journey of faith that integrates four aspects: prayer life -intimacy with God, becoming a spiritual person-, personal commitment -to and with others-, teaching time -knowledge and deepening-, community life.. . -In the Church, you’re never alone or isolated. We find A privileged place to listen to and welcome the Word of God. One of many ways of meeting the expectations of young people in search of meaning, truth and evangelical community life. A place to discern one’s life, one’s unique and irreplaceable value, one’s role in the world we’re building. This experience fits perfectly into a year of study, and requires a real desire to live it with intensity and truth. It’s not a question of being “already perfect” or of being a “super-catholic”, but rather of wanting to undertake a real “dive” into the heart of God and the Church, like a response to a felt call. This implies being available for Sunday Mass and a weekday meeting with the other members of this journey group.
- P. François LAPOINTE OMV
Soutenez votre sanctuaire
Votre soutien nous aide à poursuivre les différentes activités de ce lieu de sanctuaire.
Contribution à la Messe
Demandez au Sanctuaire de Sainte Rita une messe pour vos intentions, commémorant l’Eucharistie et la présence du Christ.
Allumer un cierge
Des cierges brûlent sans cesse , symbolisant nos prières et remerciements pour que nos vies deviennent lumière.
Intention de prière
Sainte Rita, Saine patronne des causes perdues, accueille vos intentions et remerciements, et que la charité fraternelle renforce notre prière.